Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Good News



  1. First off, glad to see that you're back!

    I don't know why, but I really like your captions with the father & daughter dynamic. There's not many captions or stories with that theme. The idea is nuanced because of the feelings of shame that the former son feels for letting their dad down, but the acceptance of moving forward with their life as a woman even if it wasn't their plan initially. Also there's the loss that the father feels for his son, but the love he still has for his now daughter. You do a good job of portraying those feelings, so good job.

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback. I really enjoy exploring that aspect of a relationship and what it would mean for both parties. I think I need to branch into some mother and sister stuff because there are interesting things to explore there as well! Cheers!
